Skills Certification Directive 2021-2023 in the Training application area

Awarded with 1st position, in the seventh edition of the contest organized by AIF (Italian Association of Trainers), il “PEF TRAINING EXCELLENCE AWARD” winning first prize in the ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE AREA section

Winner of the Storie di Alternanza Award 2019 edition. 2021-2022.
It was held on Friday 27 January 2023 the local awards ceremony of the fifth edition of the school year. 2021-2022 of the Storie di Alternanza Award at the Aldo Moro Auditorium of the University of Turin in which, for the high school category – for PCTO routes, Albert Einstein High School placed 3rd, with Orizzontestudenti. The educational path designed and held by IFA-CONSULTING TORINO

The goal of Mobility management is to reduce the company's environmental impact, improve the quality of life of employees / students, promote efficiency and productivity through the use of sustainable and intelligent means of transport.
Modular path that follows the grounding guidelines of the trajectory. From the definition and scope, regulatory landscape, state of art, guidelines and policies and the production of a PSCL/PSCS ( home-work travel plan / home-school travel plan ).

We provide valuable resources and practical tools to help achieve objectives and to guide C-Level and Top Managers in effectively managing their project or company.